Homeopathy - a natural, complete and complex treatment
Homeopathic treatment is a typical form of vibrational medicine that acts subtly energetically-informationally.
Homeopathy is a method of treatment using substances of mineral, vegetable and animal origin processed in specialised pharmaceutical laboratories. These natural substances are called homeopathic remedies and are non-toxic, non-addictive and non-addictive. Homeopathy stimulates the body's natural tendency to heal and is par excellence a personalised treatment that takes into account all the patient's symptoms in the context of their illness.
Each patient gets different remedies, the patient is treated, not the disease.

It also treats pregnant women, which is remarkable for avoiding adverse reactions on the fetus during pregnancy.
Homeopathy - What advantages does it bring?
It treats acute as well as long-term chronic diseases with very good results. Homeopathy is a profound mental-emotional but also physical medical treatment at medium dilutions.
Homeopathic treatment is advantageous for the patient because small amounts of medication are used and therefore less toxic, especially as they are natural.

Homeopathic Treatment Se adresează tuturor grupelor de vârstă
The therapeutic effect is complex in physical, mental and emotional terms.

Dr Hahnemann points to homeopathic treatment of first choice because it easily cures functional disorders and thus removes the possibility of tissue changes.
That's why homeopathy is the best preventive therapy.
Illness only occurs when two conditions are met: the presence of the external pathogen and the
susceptibility of the patient. They do not occur after simple microbial exposure, which is why an outbreak does not affect the entire population.
This is why no attempt is made to destroy the bacteria, but rather to bring the orgsanism into a balanced state, hence the susceptibility of the patient.
Înțelegeți de ce Homeopatia este diferită?
Because it works for lasting natural immunity