How to prevent illness and have lasting immunity

Medical prevention workshop
by Dr. Florinela Stoianovici

December 17 2023


The human body has an extraordinary capacity for protection and self-healing, developed naturally.
And it is our immune system that is responsible for defending the body through a complex network of cells, molecules and organs that form an unbeatable shield against disease.

    I invite you on December 17, 2023, to the workshop HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE AND HAVE LASTING IMMUNITY, for a much-needed foray into the mysteries of the human body and its ability to protect and heal.
    You have the opportunity to discover which vulnerabilities can lead to disease and learn how to take care of them, naturally and holistically, to improve your health.

Register for the workshop

399 lei

members of the community/ Facebook group "Interactive Holistic Medicine with Dr. Florinela Stoianovici" will also benefit from a free training session on the topic of the medical course.

Choose holistic medicine

Give Dr. Florinela Stoianovici the opportunity to share her 14 years of experience and learn the secrets of holistic medicine.

members of the community/ Facebook group Interactive Holistic Medicine with Dr. Florinela Stoianovici will also benefit from a free training session on the topic of the medical course.

"I have chosen to dedicate myself to preventive medicine and to promote the principles of increasing our immunity in a natural way."

If you're wondering why choose prevention and the holistic approach, you have the answer all around you.

" Medicine is evolving "

The global medical crisis and the worrying increase in medical conditions linked to stress and the body's diminished ability to defend itself are a signal that we need to start paying more attention not only to the physical body, but also to the emotional and energetic ones.

" Nothing is more important than health "

Unfortunately, we only really realise this when illness makes its way into our lives.

Prevention workshop

I wanted to be able to create an online course, accessible to all those who want to take care of their health on a different level and a better life, full of vitality and health!

I look forward to seeing you on 17 December 2023, let's do health prevention for us and for future generations!

With love and affection
Florinela Stoianovici

florinela stoianovici

Over 20,000 patients in the last 14 years

I am a general practitioner and a homeopathic doctor who has treated patients of all ages using the holistic method.

The immune system - a special network


The immune system is a highly complex network that triggers multiple self-healing processes in the body, spontaneously and naturally, in response to internal and external aggressions.

Immunity is the body's invisible defence shield. When this shield disappears or a crack appears, there is a risk of disease. 

These vulnerabilities are different for each of us. And if we know them, we can 'seal them off' by boosting local immunity,thus preventing illness.

The best medical prevention starts with knowing your own body!

Holistic medicine has proven results

Holistic medicine has such good results because it goesstraight to the cause of the disease, addressing the vulnerable point.

Another basic principle is that holistic medicine is about healing, not treating. And this is true whether we are talking about acute illnesses, chronic conditions or autoimmune diseases. 

The big issue is to use our immunity correctly to prevent disease. 

We have seen over 20,000 patients using this method and the results have been remarkable every time.

In the workshop - How to prevent disease and have lasting immunity - you have the opportunity to work with my method and discover what you need to address, to cure yourself or to improve your health.

What do you learn in this workshop?

How is this workshop run?

The workshop - How to prevent disease and have lasting immunity - takes place ONLINE on Sunday 17 December 2023 from 11.30am - 6.30pm. 

Who is this workshop for?

Patients with acute conditions

For acute conditions, the holistic consultation starts with measuring the energy levels in the body. We then address and treat the energy blockage. Gastritis with Helicobacter Pilory, kidney infections, acute purulent angina or migraines are examples of acute conditions that respond well to holistic treatments. 

Patients with chronic conditions

 For chronic conditions, the cause of the disease is identified and a programme to support healing is started, including transforming the behavioural patterns that caused or maintain the disease. Heart disease, asthma, chronic kidney infections, mild and moderate forms of depression, spondylosis, disc disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis are some examples of chronic conditions successfully treated by holistic medicine.


Pregnant women and babies

We have incredible results in pregnancy and breastfeeding. The approach is 100% natural and the treatment is usually homeopathic. For fertility, we work with the Chinese system of medicine, which has spectacular results in terms of energy balancing. We have a large number of children, to whose birth we have contributed, to the joy of the parents.


Patients with autoimmune diseases

With autoimmune diseases we start by screening for possible infections in the body that create a faulty immune system.
 By addressing old infections, the patient is energetically balanced and unblocked. In this way, the body can resume its normal functions and a state of homeostasis sets in. Crohn's disease, psoriasis, vitiligo, type 1 diabetes or endometriosis are some examples of chronic conditions successfully treated by holistic medicine.

Children and adolescents

Children and teenagers can suffer from a variety of conditions, often related to the emotional environment in which they grow up. In addition, children under the age of seven are still in an extremely intimate relationship with their mother's energy. Therefore, treatment starts with the assessment and treatment of the mother and continues with the assessment and treatment of the child. The results are spectacular.

Holistic medicine, the golden secret

About me

Holistic Med Clinic

I am a primary care physician and homeopath, and in the last 11 years I have treated more than 20,000 patients, of all ages, through the holistic method.

Within minutes, we have access to all the information that helps us identify the cause of the disease and treat it holistically.

I diagnose using a high-performance quantum physics medical machine that scans and analyses energy in all four bodies: physical, emotional, mental and energetic. This machine measures the resistivity in the tissues as low voltage and amperage current passes through the patient's body and generates a graphical representation of energy information in the physical and subtle body.
I began a process of research and information that led me to holistic medicine, due to a long experience of classical medical practice in which I noticed that I was not effective in healing my patients. 
I chose to dedicate myself to preventative medicine and to promote the enhancement of the body's immunity, helping people to live healthy lives.

What patients say

 In the doctor's clinic I discovered the benefits of holistic medicine and immediately felt safe. The recommended treatment was comforting and as natural as possible. 
Mărturii Pacienți - Andreea
She is a wonderful person and a consummate professional!
In just one session, she helped me understand things that no other physician could have explained to me.
Mărturii Pacienți - Monica
HR Consultant
I believe that the healing power of the body goes hand in hand with the healing of the soul. Since I don't believe in drugs, I sought out a holistic medicine doctor.
Mărturii Pacienți - Georgeta
I received specialist holistic treatment (liquid acupuncture, Rayocomp and Fohow therapy) and came through that crisis well. I really appreciate the approach of the doctor.

Frequently asked questions

When and where does the workshop take place?

The workshop takes place on Sunday 17 December 2023, from 11.30-18.30. The whole event lasts 7 hours, including a one-hour lunch break. It will all take place online via the ZOOM app.

How do I pay?

You can pay the 399 lei in two ways.
Online, by credit card, using the purple button marked "Book my place now". You will be redirected to the payment page, which is done through the online payment service provider, EuPlă
Alternatively, you can choose to pay by bank transfer, to Holistic Med Plant SRL, CUI 37130417, in the account RO37BREL0002001408050100.
* members of the community/ Facebook group "Interactive Holistic Medicine with Dr. Florinela Stoianovici" will also benefit from a free training session on the subject of the medical course.

How do I receive confirmation of my registration?

After payment, please contact us in writing at +40766999489 regarding your course registration.
Regardless of the method of payment chosen, please also send us proof of the transaction.

Will I receive the session registration?

This workshop is designed to give you the best live experience possible and will not have a recording of the session. We therefore encourage you to attend live, take notes and ask any questions you feel will bring you clarity.

Is this workshop right for me if I have chronic conditions?

If you suffer from chronic conditions, your participation in this workshop is safe. On the contrary, the information you will receive can help you to discover what the pattern of your condition is and what the cause of your condition is. You should be aware, however, that the information you will access in this workshop is for information purposes only and does not take the place of specialist medical advice.

Is this workshop suitable for me if I suffer from mental health problems?

Holistic treatment supports the therapeutic protocol for panic attacks, mild depression, anxiety, phobias, mild psychosis or incipient bipolar disorder. However, if you are undergoing any kind of psychiatric drug treatment, it is important to get your doctor's consent before attending this workshop.

Will I receive a personalised medical diagnosis at this workshop?

The information you will receive in this workshop is for information purposes only. It can help you understand more about your condition and build a healthy lifestyle that supports healing. However, the information you will receive in this workshop does not take the place of specialist medical advice.

Need help?

If you have questions or want to find out more, our team is here to help. Write to us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible, Monday to Friday, 10:00-17:00.

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