How to prevent illness and have lasting immunity

Medical prevention workshop 
by Dr. Florinela Stoianovici

17 noiembrie 2024

*Hurry, places are limited!


The human body has an extraordinary capacity for protection and self-healing, developed naturally.
And it is our immune system that is responsible for defending the body through a complex network of cells, molecules and organs that form an unbeatable shield against disease.

    Vă invit pe 17 Noiembrie 2024, la o nouă ediție a workshop-ului  HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE AND HAVE LASTING IMMUNITY, for a much-needed foray into the mysteries of the human body and its ability to protect and heal.
    You have the opportunity to discover which vulnerabilities can lead to disease and learn how to take care of them, naturally and holistically, to improve your health.

Register for the workshop

399 lei

members of the community/ Facebook group "Interactive Holistic Medicine with Dr. Florinela Stoianovici" vor fi incluși, gratuit, pe grupurile și canalale de comunicare special create pentru acest eveniment, ocazie cu care vor beneficia gratuit de materiale informative despre acest curs.

Choose holistic medicine

Give Dr. Florinela Stoianovici the opportunity to share her 14 years of experience and learn the secrets of holistic medicine.

Holistic medicine has proven results

What do you learn in this workshop?

How is this workshop run?

Workshop-ul – Cum să previi boala și să ai o imunitate de durată –  are loc ONLINE, duminică, pe 17 noiembrie 2024, între orele 11.30 – 18.30. 

Learn more about the workshop sessions

Holistic Med Clinic

The human body has an extraordinary capacity for protection and self-healing, developed naturally. It is essential that each of us can prevent disease and holistic medicine has the ability to support this project.

This course is equally addressed to patients with acute, chronic and autoimmune conditions, but also to people who want to learn the secrets of effective disease prevention.

Definitely yes. Dr. Florinela Stoianovici is a general practitioner and homeopathic doctor, and in the last 11 years she has treated over 20,000 patients, of all ages, through the holistic method. At the same time, the doctor is an international promoter of holistic medicine.

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